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Rellor Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: how to evolve

The new region of Pale de Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has a 400 different monster Pokédex. Some evolutions are done in the classic form (just level up or using items like special stones) while others are more complicated. The case of Mellor, one of the ninth generation's new Pokémon, is one of those: to evolve you need to use the newly implemented Let's Go mechanics as well as to evolve paw mi. See following all about Mellor and the step-by-step to evolve insect-type Pokémon into its final form: Rascal.

All about Mellor and how to find it in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Mellor is an insect (bug) Pokémon and is one of the new species of this ninth generation. You can find it easily wandering through the Amado Desert at West Province of Pale. Name: Mellor Number in Pale Pokédex: 254 Number in the National Pokédex: 922 Type: Insect Main skill: Compound Eyes → Pokémon's compound eyes increase its accuracy (accuracy). Hidden skill: Shed Skin → Pokémon can cure your own status conditions by exchanging your skin. How to find: You can capture your first Mellor in desert biomes (especially in Desert Amado) or 1-Star Raids Teracrystal.

How do Mellor Evolve to Rascal in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?

To evolve Mellor to Rascal you need to use the Let's Go! Feature! Pressing the ZR button-this will make the Pokémon leave your Puebla and follow it.


That done, Mellor needs to take 1000 steps only in swamp biomes. To conclude evolution you will need to gain a little experience and raise a level.

Mellor Shiny Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: How is it?

It is very important to know what the shiny shapes of Pokémon in S/V look, because no clue will be left on the screen: this time there are no stars or sound warnings like Pokémon Legends: Areas. Of course, the color difference will probably be clear, but sometimes it's complicated. In the case of Mellor the colors are very similar. Instead of having a own ball, Mellor Shiny has a golden ball.

The chance to find a shiny Pokémon is 1/4096 in the game, you can optimize this chance with Shiny Charm (object that is obtained by completing the entire Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Pokédex) or the tastes of the dishes you start.


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