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Madden NFL 22 surprises players with such an expected function

Madden NFL est une série de jeux vidéo de football américain dont le premier volet, John Madden Football, a paru en 1988 sur Apple II. Depuis cette date, une version actualisée chaque saison est publiée par EA Sports, branche sportive d Electronic Arts. Madden NFL 21 est la dernière version en date. Le jeu est baptisé « Madden » en référence à l entraîneur John Madden, consultant sur le jeu. La mention « NFL » signifie que le jeu possède la licence de la National Football League.

EA has added two new functions to Madden NFL 22 in Google Stadia, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X. This week, EA launched a new madden NFL 22 Update, and it was very important. The most outstanding aspects of this update include the aforementioned functions, one of which is a new scan function for franchise mode. The other is the addition of the classified mode in The Yard. To complement these two additions there are new game skills and adjustments, including a substantial update to pass coverage.

Obviously, the highlight here is the new exploration function, something that fanatics have been asking EA and something that EA said it took time to implement because other features had to be set first.

«In the design Madden NFL 22 , we put our players in the center to help guide our development process , said EA about the addition. » Through the Design Council of Madden NFL, we review more than two million conversations and brought community leaders before ever to hear what I most wanted to see in a franchise. This led us to offer many of the most requested functions, including a deeper personnel management, a more solid weekly strategy, an updated seasonal engine and other improvements in the launch. While exploration was also highly requested, the construction of these characteristics first laid the foundations for exploration .

For more information about the new scan function, click here. Meanwhile, if you want patch notes for the new update, this is the link you want.

Madden 22 - The 22 NEW Things That Were Added! Madden NFL 22 is available through Google Stadia, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X. For more information about the sports game, click here.

The franchise has been paralyzed for several years, is read at the opening of our game review. The series hardly changes from one game to another, which causes a lot of frustration among fans, but those same fans remain appearing. To buy the new edition year after year. There is a lazy element of if it is not broken, do not arrange it in most of the nloquecer quotas. Things improved a little last year with the launch of madden NFL 21 and, despite a pair of clumsy mistakes, Madden NFL 22 keeps things in the right direction .


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