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Wow: Sailing magic

If patch 9.1.5 will eventually come to Wow s live servers in the coming weeks, then the time hike returns to the game shortly thereafter. This will be extended to Legion in the coming update. But not only some of the old dungeons return to the game, but with the magistry tower, one of the highlights from the popular extension. In seven different scenarios, the 36 plays are allowed to compete against bang-hard opponents and they can prove them. At least that was the case in the past - how exactly the magistry tower will scale to the new maximum level 60 is not quite solid.

But what s already established: there will be new rewards. And this also includes the sailing magic foil. You get this flying mount if you successfully completed all seven scenarios during the time immigration. That s not so easy because you have at least three different classes at the maximum level. But it is worthwhile. Because the flying magic book looks well in WOW. Although the animations are not quite completed.

Source: WOWHEAD Source: Wowhead

The developers of WOW (Buy Now 14.99 €) work already for a while. Because the sailing magic foil is one of the ribs that stood a good year ago to vote. At that time, the developers proposed several concepts and let the players vote. At that time the hiking Urtum has won - now we get the magic font but anyway. Provided, of course, we create the seven scenarios of the magic tower.

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