The Halloween Cup is an annual worldwide figure skating competitors arranged by the Hungarian National Skating Federation. It is held every October in Budapest, Hungary. Medals are awarded in the techniques of men s songs, women singles, and ice dance at different degrees which might include elderly, jr, beginner, and below.
Formats such as the element Cup or the Halloween Cup takes place in the KAMPPFIGA from Pokémon Go from 27 September the next event. With the Mini Jungle Cup, your Pokémon can use a maximum of 500 WP. These must also be either of the type normally, plant, electro, poison, floor, flight or beetle. Pottrott and coloragle are locked for this mini-Cup.
As Reddit User Tackleman notes, there is still a decisive mistake in the German translation in the translation of the rules.
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The German client states that only Pokémon may participate that can not be developed. So for example lapper or Skaraborn. That s wrong!
Before the wrong translation in Pokémon Go
In case of doubt, the English client always says correctly. Here is in the rules to the Mini Jungle Cup that Pokémon must not be developed for participation . For example, you can choose a Glurak with under 500 WP or either also spoil a glumanda.
That s a crucial difference. If you already want to prepare yourself on the Cup, so do not have to look out Pokémon, which can not be developed, but must pay attention to the WP upper limit of 500 and the prescribed types in the compilation of his team. Again: The development stage does not matter .
Have you already prepared your MON on the Mini Jungle Cup and possibly fallen to the wrong translation, or do you play with English language output anyway? Which Pokémon do you specify? Write us in the comments!
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