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Elyon: New MMORPG of the Tera

Elyon (Biblical Hebrew עליון; Masoretic ʿElyōn) is an epithet of the God of the Israelites in the Hebrew Holy bible. ʾĒl ʿElyōn is usually provided in English as God A Lot Of High , as well as likewise in the Septuagint as Θεός ψιστος ( God the greatest ). The term likewise has mundane uses, such as top (where the finishing in both roots is a locative, not outstanding or relative), leading , or uppermost , referring just to the setting of things (e.g. related to a basket in Genesis 40.17 or to a chamber in Ezekiel 42.5).

Oh, Elyon, does not end your trip? The online role-playing game, which was originally announced in 2017 under the name Ascent: Infinite Realms, delayed another time. From the release in September nothing will be, instead, the new MMORPG of the TERA makers will take the start on October 20, 2021.

But the shift for a month is not the only message from the developers at Bluehole Studio. Because in a Tweet you declared that Elyon s business model is customized. From the Buy2Play MMORPG, a Free2play title becomes. For this adjustment time is necessary, so therefore the shift.

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What is changing through the Free2Play model for Elyon?

The developers emphasize that, for example, the Ingame shop of Elyon is likely to remain relatively untouched. A change to a Pay2Win principle should be out of question, the responsible persons at Bluehole Studio do not want to shake. Shop items will therefore put on optical advantages - not on playful.

More about MMORPG: We held that from Elyon when it was still ascent

What about the pre-ordering of Elyon?

Pre-orderers are largely received the same package. Only instead of access to the game is just 2,000 rubies - the real money currency of the shop. Who does not want that, simply contact the support to apply for a refund. According to Bluehole Studio, these repayments should be processed as quickly as possible.

Is Elyon became more interesting now? Or do you see the sudden Free2play conversion rather than evil? We are looking forward to what you think of the whole.

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