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Metal Gear Solid: Help, I love a war criminal

Naked Snake has many names. He is better known as Big Boss or as the best soldier of all time. Most would certainly call him a monster. Because as the founder of an independent military state he pursues only one goal: permanent war, worldwide. According to Big Boss, only the country boundaries can overcome and tear and restless soldiers to offer him a home. But though he is a monster, he is my favorite video game reprodion.

Attention! This text spoils Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and the end of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. If you still want to play them, you should read him later.

The beginning of a tragedy

Of course, I do not appreciate Big Boss for his war fetish, but because of his tragic history. I hold it for a pre-item game video game-made dramas.

As you probably know: The stories of Metal Gear games are complex. That's why only a short version follows. In Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater commissions Naked Snake's US government to kill its former mentor, the Boss, in the context of a secret emission. You will be accused of Landesverrat because it overflowed to the Soviet Union.

The mission succeeds. Snake wins the duel against The Boss and reluctantly shoots his mentor. On his return he is celebrated as a hero and receives the title "Big Boss".

The best soldier of all time, but at what price?

This violent end of an intimate relationship is tragic. But it is not the main reason why I call Big Boss as a perfect tragic character. The Snake Eater supplies only after the death of The Boss: She was not a traitor.

Erik Grains @snoopykoira No matter what happens, probably the Metal Gear Solid series will be my favorite franchise forever. In contrast to many other players * inside I impress me the games of Solid Snake but not as much as his father. I just have a vulnerability for figures that are cruelly and tragic at the same time.

WoT Blitz. Battle Pass: Operation Poseidon

The US government has recognized The Boss as a scapegoat to cover up a failed plan that would probably have led to an atomic war with the Soviet Union. When Big Boss finds out, he feels betrayed. He was exploited and made to the utter the only person he really loved. This is how his spiral begins in the abyss.

The birth of a monster

He spends the rest of his life in implementing the vision of The Boss, a world freed from limits. But while his mentor thought of a more peaceful planet, her student develops another interpretation.

And that has it on: Big Boss is a born soldier. Without slaughter fields he feels homeless. Wars are bound to countries and their governments, whom he does not dare after his betrayal.

Therefore, he founds an independent military, later known as "Outer Heaven", which sells his firepower to those they need. The aim is to be to keep the world in a constant state of war. As a result, soldiers should always find a home without being bound to country boundaries and politicians.

How reprehensive this plan was, he recognizes too late. He only shows him just before his death in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, which is tragically at the end of the Timeline of Metal Gear.

I do not love people, but his story

So Big Boss is a victim of his circumstances. I can not apply sympathy for him anyway. Sure, in the last hours of Snake Eater, I have suffered and mourned with him. To this day, I can not see the end of the game without a trembling lower lip. But the bitter betrayal can not possibly excuse his development to the war driver and war criminal.

As I have already mentioned: I do not appreciate him as (virtual) people, but appreciate his writing. It shows perfectly as a broken man becomes a monster. No distillable monster, but still a monster.

This article is part of our hero * indoor theme week , which is still going on until 8 August 2021 and presented you daily exciting new articles around the topic of video game characters. All items of our hero * Interior theme week can be found here in the overview.


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