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Nintendo Switch System Update 10.0.0 is now available - Gamerdo - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

Best Nintendo Switch Pro Controllers in 2020?

Switch owners can now rewrite controller keys at system level.

Nintendo has provided a new system firmware update for the switch that is quite extensive. The system update 10.0.0 contains a bookmark function for messages that can be bookmark up to 300 messages. It also allows the transmission of software data from the system to an SD card. This includes DLC, updates and digital titles.

The perhaps the biggest innovation, however, is the possibility to rewrite controller keys. Players can customize analog embroidery and keyboard shortcuts for each PAR controller and save various custom configurations as "Favorites" in the settings. In addition to the JOY-CONS and the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, keys can also be configured on the switch Lite.

For each other controller option, five different configuration options can be stored (each Joy-Con receiving five). Overall, it is a pretty good change in the quality of life, for example, if you want to switch the B and A buttons for all your games. Further information can be found in the full patch notes here.

ver. 10.0.0 (Published on April 13 2020)

News was added a bookmark function.

With this function you can provide your favorite messages with a bookmark.

  • Maximum 300 messages can be booked with bookmarks.
  • An internet connection is required to view bookmarked messages.
  • Messages that are no longer available can not be displayed even if they were bookmarked.

An option for transferring software data between the system memory and an SD card has been added.

  • Users can now transfer downloadable software, update data and downloadable content from the system memory to an SD card (and vice versa).
  • Note that backup data and some update data can not be transferred to an SD card.

An option has been added to reload the controller buttons.

  • Analog stick and key configurations can now be changed for each coupled controller.
  • Custom configurations can be stored as a favorite under System Settings> Controllers and Sensors.
  • Custom configurations are stored on the Nintendo Switch system. The configurations can be customized for the following controllers: JOY-CON (L), JOY-CON (R), Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. Key configurations can also be adapted to the Nintendo Switch Lite system.
  • This feature is not available for other controllers.
  • On each system, up to five preferred custom configurations for Joy-Con (L), five for JOY-CON (R) and five for Nintendo Switch Pro Controller can be stored. Five configurations can also be stored as Favorites for Nintendo Switch Lite.

Tags: Nintendo, Nintendo Switch


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